Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I am taking a moment out of my day to write this helpful hint. WHEN taking a girl on a first date; Don't make her pick the place, ESPECIALLY if you are the one who asked her out in the first place, and then when a few suggestions are made, tell me that you don't want to go there without suggesting something else. We have established I am not a fan of TGIF, which is understandable. So really, you could suggest anywhere else and I would probably say "sure, that sounds great". I don't care where we go, I just don't want to decide where it is we will go. I don' t mind picking out a place for the second date, but a first date, really? That just shows you are putting no effort into it. Apparently, you want a gold star for driving 20 minutes out of your way. I can already tell this isn't going to work out, and all you had to do was suggest a place to have a drink, other than TGI Fridays.

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