Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Show me what you got 2010, and oh ya, I'm grounded

Happy New Year!!!! Seriously. Thank god for the new year right? 2009 was shitty, shitty, shitty. I thought 2009 was going to be my year, and I was sorely mistaken. I mean, looking back, it hasn't been all bad. I went on a million vacations, got to spend quality time with a lot of really good friends, and learned a lot about myself. But shit, I felt like I was trudging through quick sand for the past 12 months. Every month brought a new surprise (please note sarcasm here). I didn't say they were good surprises, but I am not going to sit here and go through the past year month by month, that would be destructive. If you know me at all, you know what I'm talking about. It's 2010 and we are starting fresh. New Years Resolutions: Everyone makes them and everyone breaks them. I think its healthy to at least write some down.
  • I will send Christmas cards next year
  • I will go to the bar method 3 or more times a week because I love it and am paying for it
  • I will remember to blog more, because on a day to day basis, a lot of funny stuff goes through my head and I like to share. Plus, its way better than saying i'm going to journal every day- i mean, who hasn't made that their new years resolution?
  • I will remember to show appreciation for the people, places, and things that make a difference in my life.
  • Most Important: I am going to remember that everything really happens for a reason, as corny as that sounds, it really does. And as shitty as somethings are that life throws at us, there is a purpose.
I think thats good. I know we're only six days in, and to be honest, I didn't get the start to 2010 I was quite hoping for. I had a really relaxing new years eve- on jenn's couch in my party dress with a bud light in my hand (a perfect evening, wouldn't have wanted to do anything else). But the first week of the new year, I was feeling pretty down. I think its because I had a second to pause and reflect on the happs of '09. I have been out of town consistently since July, I guess if we're being honest to try and distract myself. I finally had a few days to just be. And it turns out its a lot harder to just be than to go to new york, or the bay area, or palm springs, or vegas, or texas, or pinecrest, or santa barbara, or tahoe....and some of those places I have been to twice or three times since July. I literally was sitting in my room the other day, admist unpacked suitcases from two different trips, and I just was exhausted. I'm just so tired. So, I'm grounded. I am not leaving San Diego all of January, February, and March. I have to face reality, whether it be financial or personal. I just need to stay for awhile and just be.

1 comment:

  1. YA you go girl! It totally sounds like I made you have a depressing first week of 2010 since you sat on my couch cause I was being a party pooper :) I didn't tell you or maybe I did, but I was having a really hard time. I was thinking about my Dad a lot and was torn between leaving 2009 and begining a new chapter in 2010 and 2010 doesn't have my Dad in it so it was hard for me and that was actually why I stayed home. He usually calls me at midnight his time and I do the same at our but not this year and it was really hard for me. Thank you for coming over though and spending it with me...even though I was the pooper of the evening :) Love ya!
