I used to think that I hated being single. I can't believe I just wasted the last two years of my life. Okay, let me re-phrase that... In no way have I "wasted" the last two years. But I spent about 50 % of my time either feeling sorry for myself, missing my dumb ass ex boyfriend, looking for someone to cuddle with or crying. 50% of two years is 1 year. So I wasted 1 year of my life....but not really because one thing i've learned is that going through absolute heartbreak is a necessary evil. I can't IMAGINE what I would be like if my heart hadn't shattered into a million pieces and I hadn't learned to wake up every day, get out of bed, and put one foot in front of the other (even if what came next was drinking Coors light in excess). Really, I thought I was going to die. I really did. But guess what, I didn't. And sometimes I worry that I'm going to be the crazy cat lady or that I'm going to be living with Ashley and Andy in their spare bedroom being their nanny for their kids in lieu of rent, or making pot stickers for Taylor and Patrick, or worse yet...that my 1 year old Goddaughter is going to be giving ME dating and financial advice. But most days I'm excited because I have no idea whats coming next, but I have a feeling its going to be good. I think when you're single, you miss the good parts of a relationship. The cuddling, the hand holding, the date nights, the i love you's. It's easy to forget the bad parts. And even people in relationships tell you over and over and over again that having "another half" is not what it's cracked up to be. You think to yourself that it would be different for you. That your relationship isn't going to be hard, that you will never want out, that you would never hurt him. But guess what, it probably will be hard, you probably will want out at some point and you will hurt him. If you want something real, these things are going to happen. So might as well make the best of being single while it lasts. I've made a list:
1. I can eat Ice Cream for dinner
2. When the left side of my bed is squished down, I can sleep on the right and its a whole new experience.
3. I toss and turn...A LOT...so i don't have to worry about causing injury to anyone
4. I get to go on spur of the moment vacations wherever I want, with whomever I want, for as long as I want and no one cares.
5. I can watch whatever I want on TV and no one makes fun of me for it or makes me change the channel (this is only partially true...but it was true at one point and Andy can watch whatever he wants because i don't care)
6. I can go to yoga, i can go hiking, running, or swimming all day long and no one (really) cares!
7. I don't have to ask/tell/warn/plan for anyone else but myself.
8. I don't have to hide my bags in the car after I go shopping, or pretend that something was "on sale"... you KNOW what i'm talking about.
I could keep going, but i'm not going to. Because if you are reading this and you are in a relationship I don't want you to get jealous...lol. And if you're single and you are reading this you should come up with your own list of reasons. There are good things and bad things to both sides, like with anything in life. Someone is telling me that I'm not ready for it yet, and that is just fine.